
Quantum Computing | Physics

qtcodes | Qiskit Topological Codes

As an IBM Qiskit Advocates, I developed qtcodes (Qiskit Topological Codes). This PyPI published open-source package includes encoders and Minimum-Weight Perfect Matched decoders for topological QEC codes, including the XZZX surface code.

Yale Undergrad Quantum Computing (YuQC)

I founded YuQC to promote wider participation in Quantum Computing at Yale. Our community rapidly grew beyond physics, and our projects range from open-source packages to intercollegiate hackathons.

Quantum Coalition

As the president of YuQC, I helped create and advise the Quantum Coalition. This collaboration between Stanford and Yale grew to host the international Quantum Coalition Hack 2021, drawing in 2.1K people from 80+ countries and growing the Quantum Coalition’s intercollegiate membership.

SPS Zone 1 Chapter Conference 2020

As board member of the Yale Society of Physics Students, I organized the SPS Zone 1 intercollegiate conference themed on promoting diversity in physics.

2D Ising Model Simulations

As TA of the Advanced Physics Lab, I taught students how to simulate and analyze the 2D Ising Model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations on HPC clusters.


AI Infra Privacy, Security, and Metadata | Facebook

As a full-time software eningeer, I built infrastructure to enable a number of privacy and security use cases for the AI ecosystem at Facebook, mostly using Hack (PHP), Python, and SQL.

Portal Core Infrastructure Team | Facebook

I worked as a software engineer intern at Facebook on the Portal Core Infra. team, building sustainable Android apps written in Java and Kotlin. I also learned how to make robust and frequent contributions to a massive mono-repository and rapidly ship code to production after comprehensive peer reviews.


As the head of CTO of this startup, I led the development of our website and mobile application written using the Django and React Native frameworks, respectively. We received funding from the Yale Tsai City Spring Accelerator.

Volunteering | Fun

Rohingya Refugee COVID-19 Medical Relief Project

As president of Yale Rotaract, I helped lead a collaboration of clubs across the US, Germany, and Bangladesh to rapidly deliver 53K USD worth of medical aid to Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.


A collection of my woodworking projects and other personal crafts.